June 1, 2023
If you are not able to join us in person in the DCA at 2:00 p.m. this Sunday for Graduation, please use the link to watch online. https://zoom.us/j/91469905964 Graduation Program ...

May 18, 2023
The Secondary Spring Concert is Monday, May 22 starting at 7p.m. in the Door Community Auditorium. There will be collaboration between The Peninsula Singers and the High School a...

May 18, 2023
Last week the National Honor Society inducted 22 new students! This is one of the larger classes inducted in the history of Gibraltar NHS! The inductees included: Lauren Bertges,...
March 22, 2023
Check out the events for March 20-26 below!

March 22, 2023
Mr. Burress's class ended St. Patty's Day with a fun STEM activity. Students made catapults with directed supplies. They were able to construct it however they wanted. The student...

March 22, 2023
On March 14, Gibraltar Secondary students competed in a memory competition for Pi Day. There was a lot of interest and excitement for this contest. Can you imagine carrying the 3....
March 21, 2023
Check out the events for March 13-19 for our school district.

March 21, 2023
Check out the pictures, feature and interview with Coach Ward on DoorCountyDailyNews.com ! The Vikings will head west on Saturday for a matchup against the Newman Catholic Cardina...

March 21, 2023
Tonight! Silent Auction, Bucket Raffle, Student Art, Food! Come support our Gibraltar Alumni! If unable to attend, here's the GoFundMe page link: https://gofund.me/12a1b50e ...

March 21, 2023
Congratulations to all the Middle School Solo and Ensemble participants, held February 21 in Denmark. Thank you Ms. Bondeson and Mr. Eckhardt for the great work with our young a...

March 21, 2023
Mr. Knapp, Viking Voice Adviser, shares: Happy March, Gibraltar! As winter wanes and the light begins to return, it's time to get excited about all of the fun things headed our w...
March 21, 2023
We're so exicted for March! It means that Mrs. Ward is back with us...We loved Mr. Burress as our interum Principal, but there's nothing like having our fearless leader back!

March 21, 2023
Twelve different Vikings players scored as Gibraltar cruised to the easy 73-34 victory over Wausaukee Tuesday night in Fish Creek to open the WIAA Division 5 Boys Basketball Tourn...

March 21, 2023
Do you have a sophomore who may be interested in starting virtual UWGB college courses as a junior?
Attend this virtual learning session to find out more
VIRTUAL Inform...