Missing anything!?
Check the elementary lost and found!

This one is from exactly a month ago. Wow does time fly...
#gibraltarelementary #gibraltar23

A few of our 4K Friends enjoying their new classroom at the Northern Door Children's Center! #northerndoorchildrenscenter #gibraltararea #gibraltar4k #gibraltarelementary #gibraltar23

Hannah Zoschke participated in the Miss Amazing Pageant, during which she sang "Over the Rainbow '' to much acclaim! In her dad Rob's words: "Hannah had her finest performance ever at Miss Amazing! She sang with clarity and enunciation and it was beautiful to witness." Ms Bondeson, Choral Director, shares "We are so proud of her!" Way to go Hannah!
#missamazingpageant #gibraltarperformingarts

ON TO STATE! All seven Gibraltar Forensics team members earned their trip to state!
Rose Stackhouse- Prose
Bekka Porter-Solo Acting
Emerson Lecy & Melanie Torres- Play-Acting
Brynleigh Ash & Kai Nordahl-Play-Acting
Abby DeMeuse-Demonstration Speech
Lizz Thomas will take her team to UW-Madison on April 21 for the State Speech Festival. CONGRATULATIONS ALL! We are so proud of you!
#gibraltarforensics #gibraltarsecondary

Final Score: Newman Catholic 66 Gibraltar 54 Be proud Vikings! Great season! We love you!

If you are not on your way to Seymour for the game, you can listen on The GOAT or WDOR. (See below)
AND here's a link to a YouTube site for free!
Thank you Maria Cruz!
You can also watch the game on the NFHS Network, but it may require a fee. Here is the link to the live stream on NFHS Network.

If you are not on your way to Seymour for the game, you can listen on The GOAT or WDOR. (See below)
AND here's a link to a YouTube site for free!
Thank you Maria Cruz!
You can also watch the game on the NFHS Network, but it may require a fee. Here is the link to the live stream on NFHS Network.

Mrs. Tripp's Middle School Forensics Team had their forensics showcase at Gibraltar on Tuesday, March 7th. Mrs. Tripp and her team hosted and Southern Door Middle School joined them. All participants did excellent and earned blue ribbons! The team is comprised of all 6th graders this year! (from left): Mylo Sherman, Kaia Burris-Sunstrom, Amelia Van Boxtel, Rocket Donohue, and Lilly McDermott. Great job, team! And thank you for coaching Mrs. Tripp!

Here is the link to the live stream tomorrow on NFHS Network.
https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/.../seymour-high-school... THIS IS THE ONLY SOURCE FOR WATCHING THE GAME ONLINE. It may require a fee.
There were three changes in the past two hours; Game time is 1:00, buses depart at 10:45 and the live stream will be done by Seymour School District now. Sincere apologies for the confusion. Nobody made any mistakes! The information changed and somebody was out shoveling snow and didn't catch it immediately. GO VIKES!

FUN FRIDAY FEATURE: Jane Burress created a labyrinth for students to complete during Tree Talks this week! Tree Talks is supported by Friends of Gibraltar.

Boys Win Semi-Championship Sectionals Game 60-44! The game will be Saturday at 1pm at Seymour HS vs Newman Catholic. Fan Buses leave at 10:45am
#gibraltarboysbasketball #gibraltaratheletics


UPDATE: The game will also be broadcast on WDOR at 93.9 FM and online at wdor.com AND you can watch it on YouTube. See other post! So tune in if you're not making the drive to Suring! Safe travels to all our traveling fans! GO VIKINGS! Correction: This is a Semi-Final Game. A win tonight goes to a Saturday Game for Sectional Championship.

Deadline to order has been extended to MONDAY, MARCH 13
Over 100 items to choose from! Shop now! https://bsnteamsports.com/index

Check out our open positions, until filled! #gibraltarareaschooldistrict #gibraltaremployment
Employment page:

Come for a tour to discuss the referendum question that will be on the April 4th Ballot!

Last week, art students worked with Coleen Bins of the Turtle Clan. Coleen shared her stories, wisdom, culture and creative expertise with Art II, III, IV & Ceramics. Students created earrings, pins, pendants and key chains out of metal. A very cool experience—thank you FOG! #friendsofgibraltar #artistinresidency #oneidashines #metals #jewelrydesign #highschoolart

Way to go, boys!!

CONGRATULATIONS GUYS! With last night's win, the Vikings will travel to the Oneida Nation Reservation TODAY, Saturday, to face the Thunderhawks.
Check out some details on DCDN and an interview with Coach Ward!
If you can't travel to Oneida, you can catch tonight's game on The GOAT!