Friday: 5th graders had the opportunity to share their Rainforest e-books with the 6th graders. #gibraltararea #gibraltarelementary #gibraltarseconday #gibraltar24

The third graders shared their Freaky Frog books and battled each other with their Frog trading cards. #gibraltarelementary #gibraltar24

T'was the night before Friday, and all through the halls
Many teachers were scurrying, to leave the school building.
The planning was ready on each little desk
In hopes that Friday would go quite smoothly
The children were all nestled in their homeward-bound transportation,
While visions of the weekend danced in their heads
And Mama in her Cheese Head and me in my Packers cap
Had just settled our brains for another Sports Day on Friday!
There was staff chatter in the hallway after students left today calling tomorrow an "Unofficial Packer Day" (Friday, January 19). As the teams dwindle in the playoffs, it's fun to see more of certain colors! Many of us hope to see more Green and Gold, but also support any other fans in a friendly competitive spirit! Feel free to wear your team colors tomorrow if you choose, many of us will be!
Happy Friday Eve Gibraltar!

On January 10th the French Culture Class enjoyed beignet and Crème Brûlée making at The Big Easy. Thank you, Blake and Lauren Schar! Another wonderful learning opportunity for our Gibraltar students!

GO Pack Go! Gibraltar Area School District Students and Staff looking for a WIN today! #gibraltararea #gibraltar24 #packers

Gibraltar Schools will be releasing early today based on the heavier snow and wind that is anticipated this afternoon and early evening. Release time will be 12:15 pm for all students and busses will depart at 12:30 pm.
1. Elementary students will have lunch as planned.
2. Middle School students will go to lunch at their regular time 11:58 am and have until 12:25 to eat.
3. High School students may go to the cafeteria at 12:15 pm if they want to grab a to-go lunch. Any of the HS students who are riding the bus need to be on the bus by 12:30 pm.
Any questions, please call the elementary or secondary offices.
#gibraltararea #gibraltar24

No School for Gibraltar Area School District on Tuesday, January 9th. After school activities are cancelled. #gibraltar24 #gibraltararea

Our 2nd through 5th grade students had the wonderful opportunity to watch the Suzuki Strings of Madison perform this morning! Thanks to FOG and many other community organizations for bringing them to us! #gibraltarelememtary #gibraltar24

Mrs. Norton and Mrs. Hoyerman’s first graders came up with fifty-seven equations equaling 77 (the number of days they’ve been in school) today! They were given 5 minutes to write as many ways to make 77 as they could on their marker boards, then listed the equations not repeated for the class total which was a new record! Great collaborative work first graders! #gibraltarelementary #gibraltar24

Happy New Year! We hope everyone is ready for our first day back tomorrow, Tuesday, January 2nd. Please see the image for some friendly reminders on packing for school tomorrow! #gibraltarelementary #gibraltar24

Profe took the 1st and 2nd graders carroling. They visited classrooms in the Elementary and Secondary! #gibraltar23 #gibraltarelementary

1st Graders enjoying their PJ and Stuffy day before break! #gibraltarelementary #gibraltar23

BASEBALL TEAM SUPPORTS LOCAL FAMILIES: Stephanie's family was presented with a check for $2,000 plus $500 in Piggly Wiggly gift cards on December 22. Coach Kita states, "It was a great feeling to make Stephanie's family's Christmas brighter. Her family has been through so much that it was nice to add some joy and happiness to their holidays." Coach Kita and the Gibraltar/Washington Island baseball team would like to thank our great community for the support given to them. "It is a great pleasure to teach the kids to give back to the awesome community that gives so much to us. We appreciate everyone and hope for continued support in 2024. Thank you and Happy New Year!"

BASEBALL TEAM SUPPORTS LOCAL FAMILIES: A Washington Island family was gifted $2,000 plus $500 in Mann's Grocery Store gift cards. The Washington Island school selected the gifts for the family and members of the Gibraltar/Washington Island high school baseball team wrapped them. The school presented these gifts and gift cards to the family. The group photo includes members of the baseball team. Coach Kita states, "It was fun to take three of the Gibraltar baseball players over and let them experience Washington Island School. They got to meet up with their fellow teammates from Washington Island and had a great time catching up. The teammates also handed out candy canes to all the students in the school." Coach Kita and the Gibraltar/Washington Island baseball team would like to thank our great community for the support given to them. Kita adds, "It is a great pleasure to teach the kids to give back to the awesome community that gives so much to us. We appreciate everyone and hope for continued support in 2024. Thank you and Happy New Year!" All these funds, gifted to the three families, were from the fundraising that Gibraltar/Washington Island baseball players have done.

BASEBALL TEAM SUPPORTS LOCAL FAMILIES: Coach Kita and the Gibraltar/Washington Island baseball team would like to thank our great community for the support given to them. Kita states, "It is a great pleasure to teach the kids to give back to the awesome community that gives so much to us. We appreciate everyone and hope for continued support in 2024. Thank you and Happy New Year!" Phoenix and her family received a check for $1,000 plus $500 in Piggly Wiggly gift cards on Friday, December 22. "We met with Phoenix and her father right before the break. It was great to give their family a little extra boost for Christmas."

Students in Ms Fey’s English classes are participating in Door County Reads a program of the Door County Library system. Each year a book is chosen and the Door community is invited to read, discuss, and participate in events related to the chosen book. This year’s selection is Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Kimmerer explores the relationships between humans and the natural world through the lens of indigenous wisdom combined with scientific knowledge. Books were provided for Gibraltar students by the Door County Library through a grant from Nicolet Federated Library System If you are interested in joining us, copies of the book are available at Door County Libraries. Events related to the chosen book begin in January and will be taking place throughout the county and online. For more information check out Door County Reads.

The seventh grade Tech Ed. class, taught by Mr. Hatch, made shelves. Mr. Hatch taught them how to measure, cut boards, sand, and how to assemble them. The students were excited to choose the color to paint the shelves. They turned out beautifully! Mr. Hatch and the students worked very hard so the shelves were ready to go home in time for Christmas.

You may wonder what 2nd graders do during indoor recess! Here is a little sampling of what their morning recess! #gibraltarelementary #gibraltar23

2nd grade wrote friendly letters to Santa, then his elves sent letters back to us! They came all the way from the North Pole! #gibraltarelementary #gibraltar23

Señora Nelson and her Spanish 4 students invited Profe's 6th grade Spanish section to enjoy a Spanish holiday culture presentation!